Saturday, 11 August 2018

Do candidates for jobs in law suffer rejection more often if they went to Unisa?

Is there a bias against Unisa graduates in South African law firms?

Unisa produces more LLB graduates than any other university. They thus make up the majority of applicants for positions.

Many Unisa graduates do get articles and do become attorneys.

There are firms who prefer Wits or UCT or Rhodes graduates, but that is a personal preference. Likewise, there are attorneys who prefer to hire Unisa graduates for their firms. It certainly is not a majority with a bias against Unisa.

If anything, more graduates have Unisa as their alma mater, and thus you are more likely to meet a Unisa graduate who washed up. You are, by the same grain, more likely to find a Unisa graduate who made it.

In any case, firms pay very little mind to a candidate's university background, whether the school or their academic achievements. There is a massive gap between knowledge which is valued in universities, and the essential knowledge needed to practise law.

A law degree is important because it is required for most law jobs, but anyone who leaves university for the real world is at that moment starting their real educational journey.

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